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ewings business profile overview<br>fulfill life value starts from education. ewings international education, a platform that can inspire your life!<br><br>ewings (beijing) international education is a concept that originated in singapore in 1993 and was engaged the business of international trade, international culture and education exchange, international talent exchange and export of labor service on the board of pareme international trade co., ltd. the company has gotten good social and economic benefits along with the partnership with chinese service center for scholarly exchange which belongs to chinese ministry of education,china international enterprises economic & trade co., ltd. ,china star corporation for international economic & technical cooperation,xi'an jiaotong university,sichuan university, shandong international technical talents exchange co., shaanxi international talents and techniques exchange co., ltd, shenzhen sino-u.s. entrepreneur exchange association, jiangsu international education exchange and chengdu foreign affairs service center.<br><br>our business mainly covers four areas in china, namely beijing, shaanxi province, jiangsu province and sichuan province. our mission is to provide supporting services to our national and international education project partners such as golden touch education service centre (canada), golden touch education service centre (hong kong), jiangsu education services for international exchange〔no. of authorization: jwzzrz(2000)33. it is an international education service company initially approved by ministry of education and ministry of public security in jiangsu province. 〕, shaanxi chinon international exchange of talent co., ltd.〔no. of authorization: jwzzrz(. it is an international education service company initially approved by ministry of education and ministry of public security in shaanxi province.〕and sunshine international education service co., ltd.〔no. of authorization: jwzzrz(. it is an international education service company initially approved by ministry of education and ministry of public security in sichuan province.〕<br><br>our main business services and responsibilities:<br><br>1、set up, maintain, and facilitate co-operative agreements, and agency agreements with international universities, colleges, vocational schools and various other educational institutions in such places as canada, united kingdom, australia, new zealand, and the united states<br>2、operate associated international joint education projects in china<br>3、provide service and support for associated international joint education programs<br>4、establish and harmonize the relationship between national and international partners<br>5、summer and winter camp in foreign country and short term language training<br>6、investment and business immigration, technique category immigration and residence in foreign countries; overseas work visa; short term visit, accompanying, and business visas<br>7、introduce, develop and carry out career-focused educational projects that meet today’s needs in international job markets<br>8、introduce, research, develop and distribute educational-related books, materials and software<br>9、introduce and facilitate foreign students’ education in chinese colleges and universities<br><br>characteristics of international education industry<br>superior difficulty: the works of our company are very difficult tasks. the requirements include, but not limit to, initiative, timeliness, efficiency, comprehensive, omnipotence, and teamwork spirit. we must notice that there is no trifle in foreign affairs and we should pay attention to every detail. <br><br>importance: we are working for the clients’ future. the quality of our services could affect our clients’ future and the realization of hope and dreams of the parents. <br><br>high standard: possession of energy, capability and boldness; combination of go-aheadism, interest, and dream; possession of the sense of responsibility and patriotism, which should be verified by candidates by themselves.<br><br>characteristics of our company<br>our company is a international entity for international education and overseas services. we are engaged in international education field, positioning international talent marketing and taking the principle of satisfying costumers. since we are taking the responsibilities of education, we are looking for the persons who are willing to engage in education business.<br><br>candidates notice: please email your cv to: careerxa@ewings.cn<br><br>no inquiries in this regard (phone calls or visits) would be accepted.<br><br>英之翼(北京)国际教育咨询有限公司<br><br>撰写人生价值由教育开始,我们为您提供纸、笔和墨——英之翼国际教育!<br><br>英之翼(北京)国际教育咨询有限公司于1993年起源于新加坡,并在新加坡佰盛美(pareme)国际贸易有限公司的平台上从事国际贸易、国际文化教育交流与合作、国际人才交流、国际劳务输出等主营业务。公司先后与中国教育部直属的中国留学服务中心、北京中企国际公司、四达国际经济技术总公司、西安交通大学、四川大学、山东省国际技术人才交流总公司、陕西省国际人才技术交流总公司、深圳市中美企业家交流协会、江苏省教育国际交流服务中心、成都市外事中心等单位合作,取得了良好的社会效益和经济效益。公司的主要业务骨干、部门及项目负责人均为海外高等院校留学归国人员。<br>公司营业网点覆盖的地区,分别是北京市、陕西省、江苏省和四川省。我们主要职责是为国内和国际的合作教育机构提供支持性服务。我们的服务对象包括:加拿大金迪国际教育服务中心、香港金迪教育国际服务中心、 江苏国际教育交流中心(江苏省首家经国家教育部、公安部批准成立的专业从事出国留学服务的机构批准号:教外综资认字【2000】33号)、陕西智能国际人才交流有限公司(陕西省首家经国家教育部、公安部批准成立的专业从事出国留学服务的机构批准号:教外综资认字【号)、 阳光国际教育服务公司(四川省首家经国家教育部、公安部批准成立的专业从事出国留学服务的机构批准号:教外综资认字【号)。<br><br>公司的主要业务:<br><br>1、    建立、维护和推动与加拿大、英国、澳大利亚、新西兰和美国各类院校的合作关系和代理关系。<br>2、    负责国外相关教育项目在中国的运营。<br>3、    负责国外相关教育项目在中国的服务支持。<br>4、    出境冬、夏令营、短期语言进修<br>5、    海外商业、技术移民、定居、海外工作签证、短期探亲、陪读、商务签证<br>6、    负责国内外教育项目合作关系建立、协调。<br>7、    引进及开发适合国际就业市场的职业教育项目并推广及经营。<br>8、    引进、研究、开发与相关教育项目及市场相适用的教材、教育软件、教育设备并推广及经营、销售。<br>9、    引进和推动国外学生在中国大专院校的教育<br><br>从事国际教育及教育人才服务行业的特性:<br><br>1、    高难性:本机构的工作为高难性工作,包括但不限于工作的主动性、及时性、有效性、全面性、全能性、团队精神,涉外无小事,小事须认真。<br>2、    重要性:服务于他人的未来,我公司的服务质量与结果,根系着他人的未来,寄托了父母乃至几代人的期望与梦想。<br>3、    高标准:精力、能力、魄力的具备;主动性、兴趣、热情与理想的结合;责任心、爱国心的拥有,是应聘者应自我考量的<br><br>本机构特性:<br>我公司是一家从事教育及海外服务的国际性、外向型的教育人才服务机构,我们立足于国际教育事业领域,定位于国际就业市场,坚持让客户满意的原则,因为承担着教育育人的社会责任,所以我们更是期待热爱教育事业、愿意献身教育行业的各界人士的加盟。<br><br>应聘者须知<br><br>应聘者资料敬请email至:careerxa@ewings.cn<br>谢绝来电来访!